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Stockholm Arlanda Airport
Swedavia Reklam erbjuder en unik varumärkesarena i en attraktiv och dynamisk miljö där såväl nationell- som internationell publik möts. Ta del av ett brett och flexibelt reklamutbud som ger en fantastisk produktmix och en bred geografisk räckvidd.
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Stockholm - Skandinaviens huvudstad
Stockholm är inte enbart den största staden i Nordens största land, utan även en av Europas snabbast växande huvudstäder, med en inflyttning på nära 39 000 personer årligen. Staden förväntas växa sex gånger snabbare än Paris och dubbelt så snabbt som Köpenhamn fram till 2030.
Internationella företag väljer ofta att förlägga sina regionala huvudkontor i Stockholm. Hälften av alla företag på Forbes Global 2000 i Norden har sina huvudkontor här, och staden är Europas tredje största centrum för globala huvudkontor, varav utländska företag står för 85%. Staden är även Nordens största företagsmarknad och finansiella centrum.
Stockholm befinner sig ständigt i toppen av globala topplistor för företagsklimat och innovation, och är idag ett globalt centrum för teknik och startups.
Staden har rankats av Global Talent Competitiveness Index som en av världens bästa städer för att utveckla, attrahera och behålla talang.
Stockholms län har bland Europas högsta BRP-siffror per capita och stor köpkraft, med Sveriges högsta inkomsttagare.
Stockholm Arlanda Airport
Swedavia arbetar ständigt med att utveckla och förbättra sina tio flygplatser för att möta det ökande trycket på ett effektivt resande inrikes och internationellt.
Före Covid-19-pandemin och den stora minskningen av resenärsantalet var Arlanda under en lång tid Nordens snabbast växande flygplats, med allt fler flygbolag, direktrutter och resenärer, både internationellt och inrikes. Under 2019 passerade över 26 miljoner resenärer Stockholm Arlanda Airport.
Flygresandet spelar och kommer även fortsatt att spela en viktig roll. Därför förbereder flygplatsen för framtiden. Stockholm Arlanda Airport ska erbjuda en smidig och inspirerande upplevelse för resenären, fungera som en ledande mötesplats och vara en internationell förebild på hållbarhetsområdet
En helt ny flygplatsstad - Airport City Stockholm – har börjat ta form runt Arlanda och stärker flygplatsens position som en mötesplats för arbete och fritid och en ingångsport där Norden möter världen.
Terminal 5 — Analog
These SkyCity window banners targets all travelers, visitors and employees arriving to the airport by domestic and commuter train via the fourth largest train station in Sweden. It also targets domestic and international transit passengers heading between all airport terminals.
The large format and the central placement makes this product stand out and seen by most passersby.
Price per month: SEK 140 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis SkyCity banner targets all passengers, visitors and employees arriving to the airport by domestic and commuter train via the fourth largest train station in Sweden. It also targets domestic and international transit passengers heading between all airport terminals.
The large format and the central placement makes this product stand out and seen by most passersby.
Price per month: SEK 70 000*
Interested in this space?
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the check-in hall of international terminal 5. This advertisement area targets travellers arriving to check-in as well as travellers that are heading towards both security check-points in terminal 5. The size of the banner makes it impactful and due to the placement in the check-in hall where travellers reside for longer periods of time it offers high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 150 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThese analogue signs are located in jetties in gate area 1-20 in terminal 5 and in terminal 2.
Price per month: SEK 500 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the check-in hall of international terminal 5. This advertisement area targets travellers arriving to check-in as well as travellers that are heading towards both security check-points in terminal 5. The size of the banner makes it impactful and due to the placement in the check-in hall where travellers reside for longer periods of time it offers high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 150 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the check-in hall of international terminal 5. This advertisement area targets travellers arriving to check-in as well as travellers that are heading towards both security check-points in terminal 5. The size of the banner makes it impactful and due to the placement in the check-in hall where travellers reside for longer periods of time it offers high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 150 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the departure hall of terminal 5, in the new Marketplace towards pire E. The size of the banner makes it impactful and with a great placement in a large passenger flow.
Price per month: SEK 200 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the departure hall of terminal 5, in the new Marketplace towards pire E. The size of the banner makes it impactful and with a great placement in a large passenger flow.
Price per month: SEK 200 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis analogue sign is located outside security check-point in the juntion of the terminal 4 departure hall.
Price per month: SEK 90 000 SEK*
Contact usThe lightbox is located in the check-in hall of international terminal 5. This advertisement area targets travellers arriving to check-in and travellers that are heading towards both security check-points in terminal 5. The size of the lightbox makes it impactful and due to the placement in the check-in hall where travellers reside for longer periods of time it offers high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 155 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThe lightbox is located in the check-in hall of international terminal 5. This advertisement area targets travellers arriving to check-in and travellers that are heading towards both security check-points in terminal 5. The size of the lightbox makes it impactful and due to the placement in the check-in hall where travelers reside for longer periods of time it offers high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 155 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThe impact and dwell time of this advertisement area is maximized due to the size and location, in close proximity to the security check-point, check-in counters and SkyCity. The placement of the pillar banner makes it a suitable advertisement area for targeting the majority of the travellers in the international terminal 5 as well as travellers and visitors arriving from and residing in SkyCity.
Price per month: SEK 100 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThe lightbox is located in the check-in hall of international terminal 5. This advertisement area targets travellers arriving to check-in and travellers that are heading towards both security check-points in terminal 5. The size of the lightbox makes it impactful and due to the placement in the check-in hall where travellers reside for longer periods of time it offers high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 155 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the check-in hall of international terminal 5. This advertisement area targets travellers arriving to check-in and travellers that are heading towards both security check-points in terminal 5. The size of the banner makes it impactful and due to the placement in the check-in hall where travellers reside for longer periods of time it offers high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 150 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the check-in hall of international terminal 5. This advertisement area targets travellers arriving to check-in and travellers that are heading towards both security check-points in terminal 5. The size of the banner makes it impactful and due to the placement in the check-in hall where travellers reside for longer periods of time it offers high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 150 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis banner is located in the check-in hall of international terminal 5. The size of the banner makes it impactful and it offer high dwell time due to the central placement where travelers reside for longer periods of time. The placements above the check-in also makes it possible to target passengers that travels with certain airlines or towards specific destinations.
Price per month: SEK 150 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThree lightboxes located in the check-in hall of international terminal 5 are the latest additions to the range of advertisement products at Stockholm Arlanda Airport. The size of the lightboxes makes them impactful and they offer high dwell time due to the central placement where travelers reside for longer periods of time. The placements above the check-in counters also makes it possible to target passengers that travels with certain airlines or towards specific destinations.
Price per month: SEK 105 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThree lightboxes located in the check-in hall of international terminal 5 are the latest additions to the range of advertisement products at Stockholm Arlanda Airport. The size of the lightboxes makes them impactful and they offer high dwell time due to the central placement where travelers reside for longer periods of time. The placements above the check-in counters also makes it possible to target passengers that travels with certain airlines or towards specific destinations.
Price per month: SEK 105 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThree lightboxes located in the check-in hall of international terminal 5 are the latest additions to the range of advertisement products at Stockholm Arlanda Airport. The size of the lightboxes makes them impactful and they offer high dwell time due to the central placement where travelers reside for longer periods of time. The placements above the check-in counters also makes it possible to target passengers that travels with certain airlines or towards specific destinations.
Price per month: SEK 105 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox i located in the check-in hall of terminal 5, close to the SAS
check-in counters and the security check-point leading towards
gate area F26-F69.
Price per month: SEK 150 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usLightbox after security check point, next to the entrance of the tax free
Price per month: SEK 255 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the check-in hall of terminal 5, before the security control.
Price per month: On request *
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located between the pires of international
terminal 5 and targets the majority of the travellers departing
from the terminal. The size of the lightbox, makes an impactful
effect in the terminal and offers high dweltime and visability.
Price per month: SEK 100 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located between the pires of international
terminal 5 and targets the majority of the travellers departing
from the terminal. The size of the lightbox, makes an impactful
effect in the terminal and offers high dweltime and visability.
Price per month: SEK 100 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usAvgångshallen Terminal 5 — Analogt
These lightboxes are located by gates F26-F69 on levels 3 and 4 in terminal 5. The repetitive effect of the advertisement area makes it impactful and due to the placement in the large passenger flows and sitting areas among the gates it offers high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 250 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the departure hall of international terminal 5. This advertisement area targets travellers that are heading towards gates F26-F69 as well as travellers residing among the shops and restaurants of terminal 5. The size of the advertisement area makes it impactful and due to the placement in one of the largest passenger flows in the terminal where the travellers reside for a longer period of time it offers high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 135 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the departure hall of international terminal 5. This advertisement area targets travellers that are heading towards gate 1-24 from the security check-points as well as travellers that are spending time among the shops and restaurants in terminal 5. The new larger size makes the lightbox impactful and due to the placement in a large passenger flow it offers high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 85 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis product is located in the departure hall of international terminal 5. The area targets the majority of the travellers that are heading towards gate 1-24 and F26-F69 from largest security check-points as well as travelers that are spending time among the shops and restaurants in terminal 5. The central placement offers high dwell time and makes the product impactful and seen by most passersby.
Price per month: SEK 100 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the departure hall of international terminal 5. This advertisement area targets travellers that are heading towards gates F26-F69 as well as travellers residing among the shops and restaurants of terminal 5. The size of the advertisement area makes it impactful and due to the placement in one of the largest passenger flows in the terminal where the travellers reside for a longer period of time it offers high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 155 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the departure hall, non-Schengen. In Gate area F.
Price per month: SEK 90 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usAnkomsthallen Terminal 5 — Analogt
This lightbox is located in the arrival hall of international terminal 5 and targets 100 % of the travellers arriving from gates F26-F69. The central placement in the large passenger flow leading towards the center of the arrival hall makes the lightbox impactful.
Price per month: SEK 125 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox targets 100 % of the travellers arriving at gates F26-F69 at terminal 5. The size of the lightboxes makes this advertisement area impactful. The placement at the top of the escalators offers a dominating effect and high dwell time.
Price per month: On request *
Interested in this space?
Contact usThese two concave lightboxes targets 100 % of the travellers arriving at gates 1-24 at terminal 5. The size and curved format of the lightboxes makes this advertisement package impactful. The placement above the escalators also offers high dwell times.
Price per month: SEK 180 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThese two concave lightboxes targets 100 % of the travellers arriving at gates 1-24 at terminal 5. The size and curved format of the lightboxes makes this advertisement package impactful. The placement at the top of the escalators also offers high dwell times.
Price per month: SEK 225 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the arrival hall of international terminal 5 and targets 100 % of the travellers arriving from gates 1-24 as well as travellers arriving from the rest of terminal 5. The central placement in the large passenger flow leading out of the arrival hall makes the lightbox impactful.
Price per month: SEK 95 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the arrival hall of international terminal 5 and targets 100 % of the travellers arriving from gates 11-24 as well as travellers arriving from the rest of terminal 5. The central placement in the large passenger flow leading out of the arrival hall makes the lightbox impactful.
Price per month: SEK 95 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the arrival hall of international terminal 5 and targets 100 % of the travellers arriving from gates 1-24 as well as travellers arriving from the rest of terminal 5. The combination of OOH and DOOH makes the sign impactful and perfect for creative advertisement solutions.
Price per month: SEK 95 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the arrival hall of international terminal 5 and targets 100 % of the travellers arriving from gates 1-24 as well as travellers arriving from the rest of terminal 5.The central placement in the large passenger flow leading out of the arrival hall makes the lightbox impactful.
Price per month: SEK 95 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the arrival hall of international terminal 5 and targets 100 % of the travellers arriving from gates 1-24 as well as travellers arriving from the rest of terminal 5. The central placement in the large passenger flow leading out of the arrival hall makes the lightbox impactful.
Price per month: SEK 95 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the arrival hall of international terminal 5 and targets 100 % of the travellers arriving from gates 1-24 as well as travellers arriving from the rest of terminal 5. The combination of OOH and DOOH makes the sign impactful and perfect for creative advertisement solutions.
Price per month: SEK 95 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the arrival hall of international terminal 5 and targets 100 % of the travellers arriving from gates F26-F69 as well as travellers arriving from the rest of terminal 5. The combination of OOH and DOOH makes the sign impactful and perfect for creative advertisement solutions.
Price per month: SEK 95 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the arrival hall of international terminal 5 and targets 100 % of the travellers arriving from gates 1-24 as well as travellers arriving from the rest of terminal 5. The central placement in the large passenger flow leading out of the arrival hall makes the lightbox impactful.
Price per month: SEK 95 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the arrival hall of international terminal 5 and targets 100 % of the travellers arriving from gates F26-F69 as well as travellers arriving from the rest of terminal 5. The combination of OOH and DOOH makes the sign impactful and perfect for creative advertisement solutions.
Price per month: SEK 95 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the arrival hall of international terminal 5 and targets 100 % of the travellers arriving from gates 1-24 as well as travellers arriving from the rest of terminal 5. The central placement in the large passenger flow leading out of the arrival hall makes the lightbox impactful.
Price per month: SEK 75 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the arrival hall of international terminal 5. This advertisement area targets all travellers arriving from gates F26-F69. The size and placement of the lightbox, above the main connecting corridor between the departure and arrival hall makes it impactful.
Price per month: SEK 58 500*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThese lightboxes are distributed in three of the four terminals of Stockholm Arlanda Airport and targets 100 % of the arriving travellers from both of the international terminals as well as from the main domestic terminal. The central placement in the largest passenger flows and on top of the baggage belts makes the advertisement areas impactful. The repetitive effect also makes them offer high dwell time and share of voice.
Price per month: SEK 171 500*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThese banners are located in the central building of terminal 5, level 2. They target 100 % of the of the arriving travellers that are exiting the airport through the customs screening point. The central placement and the large size of the pillars makes this advertisement area impactful.
Price per month: SEK 150 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis analogue sign is located in the arrival hall of international terminal 5. The advertisement area targets all travellers arriving from gates F26-F69. The size and placement of the lightbox offers a dominating and repetitive effect.
Price per month: SEK 150 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis advertising product offers a dominating effect in the arriving hall and customs screening points of both international terminals at Stockholm Arlanda Airport - terminals 2 and 5. It targets all arriving travelers and offers both impact, high dwell time and the possibility to communicate with the travelers throughout their entire journey through customs.
Price per quarter: SEK 491 667*
Price per year: SEK 5 900 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the arrival hall of international terminal 5 and targets 100 % of the travellers arriving from gates F26-F69 as well as travellers arriving from the rest of terminal 5. The combination of OOH and DOOH makes the sign impactful and perfect for creative advertisement solutions.
Price per month: SEK 95 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located in the arrival hall of international terminal 5 and targets the majority of the travellers arriving to the terminal. Located above a baggage belt and opposite customs, as well as the size of the lightbox, makes for an impactful effect in the arrival hall and offers high dwell time and visibility.
Price per month: SEK 95 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located on level 2 orange path from parking to T5.
Price per month: On request *
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox is located on level 1 orange path to parking lot T5
Price per month: On request *
Interested in this space?
Contact usAvgångshallen Terminal 5 — Digital
These digital megascreens are newcomers in Swedavia's Digital Out of Home advertising offer. They dominate the check-in hall of international terminal 5 and offers high dwell time and impact among the travelers. DOOH is suitable for campaigns, launches and marketing activities where the goal is ot reach high visibility and a large number of travelers. The placement of these screens makes it possible to implement customized DOOH marketing activities and target the majority of the departing travellers in the terminal.
Price: 160 000 SEK
Interested in this space?
Contact usThe digital network is suitable for campaigns, launches and other marketing activities where the goal is ot reach high visibility and a large number of travelers.
The placement of the screens offers a repetitive effect and customized DOOH marketing activities are easily implemented on the digital network due to the wide range of options regarding airports, terminals and timing of messages.
Price per week: On request *
Interested in this space?
Contact usThe digital network is suitable for campaigns, launches and other marketing activities where the goal is ot reach high visibility and a large number of travelers. The placement of the screens makes it possible to implement
customized DOOH marketing activities and target passengers
traveling to specific destinations of with certain airlines.
Price per week: On request *
Interested in this space?
Contact usAvgångshallen Terminal 5 — Digital
The digital network is suitable for campaigns, launches and other marketing activities where the goal is ot reach high visibility and a large number of travelers.
The placement of the screens offers a repetitive effect and customized DOOH marketing activities are easily implemented on the digital network due to the wide range of options regarding airports, terminals and timing of messages.
Price per week: On request *
Interested in this space?
Contact usThe digital network is suitable for campaigns, launches and other marketing activities where the goal is ot reach high visibility and a large number of travelers.
The placement of the screens makes it possible to implement
customized DOOH marketing activities and target passengers
traveling to specific destinations of with certain airlines.
Price per week: On request *
Interested in this space?
Contact usAnkomsthallen Terminal 5 — Digital
The digital network is suitable for campaigns, launches and other marketing activities where the goal is ot reach high visibility and a large number of travelers.
The placement of the screens offers a repetitive effect and customized DOOH marketing activities are easily implemented on the digital network due to the wide range of options regarding airports, terminals and timing of messages.
Price per week: On request *
Interested in this space?
Contact usAvgångshallen Terminal 5 — Promotion
This terminal 5 promotion area targets all travellers by gates 11-24. The central placement in the passenger flow and the close proximity to the gates and facilities of the pier makes the promotion area a place of wide range.
Price per week: SEK 78 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis terminal 5 promotion area targets all travellers by gates 11-24. The central placement in the passenger flow and the close proximity to the gates and facilities of the pier makes the promotion area a place of wide range.
Price per week: SEK 78 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis terminal 5 promotion area targets all travellers by gates 1-10. The central placement in the passenger flow and the close proximity to the gates and facilities of the pier makes the promotion area a place of wide range.
Price per week: SEK 78 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis terminal 5 promotion area targets all travellers in the check-in hall. The central placement in the passenger flow and the close proximity to the check-in counters, information desk and facilities of the check-in hall makes the promotion area a place of wide range.
Price per week: SEK 78 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usAvgångshallen Terminal 5 — Promotion
This terminal 5 promotion area targets all travellers by gates 1-24 and F26-F69. The central placement in one of the largest passenger flows in terminal 5 and the close proximity to the gates and facilities in the terminal makes the promotion area a place of wide range. The size of the promotion area makes is suitable for cars or larger showcases.
Price per week: SEK 78 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis terminal 5 promotion area targets all arriving and departing travellers by gates F26-F69. The central placement in a large terminal 5 passenger flow and the close proximity to the gates and facilities in the terminal makes the promotion area a place of wide range.
Price per week: SEK 55 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis terminal 5 promotion area targets all travellers by gates 1-24 and F26-F69. The central placement in one of the largest passenger flows in terminal 5 and the close proximity to the gates and facilities in the terminal makes the promotion area a place of wide range and one of the most exklusive promotion areas at the airport.
Price per week: SEK 90 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis terminal 5 promotion area targets all travellers by gates 1-24 and F26-F69. The central placement in one of the largest passenger flows in terminal 5 and the close proximity to the gates and facilities in the terminal makes the promotion area a place of wide range and one of the most exklusive promotion areas at the airport.
Price per week: SEK 78 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usTerminal 5 ankommande — Promotion
This terminal 5 promotion area targets all terminal 5 travellers arriving and departing the airport by Arlanda Express, airport transfer, bus and taxi. The central placement in a large terminal 5 passenger flow and the close proximity to facilities such as shops, cafes and tourist center makes the promotion area a place of wide range.
Price per week: SEK 78 000*
Interested in tis space?
Contact usThis promotion area is located in the arrival hall of international terminal 5 and targets 100 % of the travellers arriving from gates 1-24 as well as travellers arriving from the rest of terminal 5. The central placement in the large passenger flow of the arrival hall makes this an advertisement area of wide range.
Price per week: SEK 55 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis promotion area with a counter is located in the arrival hall outside
the customs screening point.
Price per week: SEK 78 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usAvgångshallen Terminal 5 — Special
The elevator is located by gates 11-24 in the international terminal 5. This advertisement area targets both travellers heading towards gate 1-24 and travellers heading up to the SAS and Menzies lounges by the elevator. The size and advertisement construction possibilities of the elevator makes it impactful and suitable for campaigns.
Price per month: SEK 125 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis elevator is located in the check-in hall of international terminal 5. This advertisement area targets travellers that are heading towards gate F26-F69 as well as gates 1-24 through the security check-point. The size of the advertisement area makes it impactful and due to the placement in a large passenger flow where the travellers reside for a longer period of time it offers high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 100 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usBranding of the jetties and jetty towers will be seen by both the travelers in the terminal and the ones in the aircrafts, while taxing to or from the gate. The products offers great impact, long dwell time and a repetitive effect throughout the travelers stay in the terminal.
Price per year: On request *
Interested in this space?
Contact usAvgångshallen Terminal 5 — Special
Avgångshallen Terminal 5 — Special
These floor decals are located in the arrival hall of international terminal 5 and targets 100 % of the travellers arriving from gates terminal 5. Situated in the two large passenger flows leading out of the arrival hall makes them impactful. The high number of decals gives a repetitive effect and a high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 100 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThese floor decals are located in the arrival hall of international terminal 5 and targets 100 % of the arriving travellers. Situated in the large passenger flows after the customs screening point makes them impactful. The high number of decals gives a repetitive effect and a high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 157 500*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThese floor decals are located in the arrival hall of international terminal 5 and targets 100 % of the arriving travellers. Situated in the large passenger flows after the customs screening point makes them impactful. The high number of decals gives a repetitive effect and a high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 100 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact us”The box” offers a wide range of possibilities for creative advertisement campaigns. The box itself can be foiled while it is possible to show off products or such at the top. This advertisement area targets 100 % of the travellers from gates 1-24. The central placement combined with the creative possibilities of the box draws attention as well as offering high dwell time and good share of voice.
Price per month: SEK 120 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usTerminal 4 — Analog
These terminal 4 analogue signs targets all domestic and transit
passengers in the check-in and arrival hall, as well as passengers
that are headed towards the exit, airport coaches and Arlanda
The placement over the main exit and the large size of the signs
makes them stand out both from a distance and from close up.
Price per month: SEK 50 000 SEK*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThese terminal 4 analogue signs targets all domestic and transit
passengers in the check-in and arrival hall, as well as passengers
that are headed towards the exit, airport coaches and Arlanda
The placement over the main exit and the large size of the signs
makes them stand out both from a distance and from close up.
Price per month: SEK 50 000 SEK*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis terminal 4 analogue sign targets domestic, international and transit
passengers in the check-in hall, as well as passengers
that are headed towards the exit, airport coaches and Arlanda
The placemen and the large size of the sign
makes it stand out both from a distance and from close up.
Price per month: SEK 61 000 SEK*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis terminal 4 lightbox targets 100 % of the domestic passengers in the check-in hall and in the queue towards the security check-point. This advertisement area benefits from high dwell time in the check-in hall as the travellers wait for check-in and to pass through the security check-point.
Price per month: SEK 150 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox has a central placement in the check-in hall of terminal 4 at Stockholm Arlanda Airport. The repetitive effect offers high dwell time and share of voice.
Price per month: SEK 54 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis terminal 4 lightbox is an impactful advertisement area that targets 100 % of the passengers arriving at the terminal and that are heading towards the arrival hall through the largest passenger flow in terminal 4. The lightbox also targets parts of the departing passengers as it is located in both the arriving passenger flow and among the gates.
Price per month: SEK 90 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThe four analogue signs in the corridor connecting terminal 4
to the car park dominates the area together with four digital
screens from the Airport Digital network. The sizes of the signs
together with their dominating effect gives an impactful product
that targets passengers arriving and departing terminal 4 and
Price per month: SEK 150 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThese double-sided lightboxes in the domestic terminal targets
all arriving and departing travellers. The lightboxes offers high
impact due to the placement in the largest passenger flows. The
fourteen sides also offers a repetitive effect throughout the entire
departure hall as they are equally distributed between the three
Price per month: SEK 100 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis terminal 4 banner targets all of the domestic passengers in
the combined check-in and arrival hall. This advertisement area
benefits from high dwell time in the check-in hall and offers an
impactful effect in the hall due the large size and placement.
Price per month: SEK 80 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usTerminal 4 — Digital
The digital network is suitable for campaigns, launches and other marketing activities where the goal is ot reach high visibility and a large number of travelers. The placement of the screens offers a repetitive effect and customized DOOH marketing activities are easily implemented on the digital network due to the wide range of options regarding airports, terminals and timing of messages.
12.5 % share of voice
Price: On request *
Interested in this space?
Contact usThe digital network is suitable for campaigns, launches and other marketing activities where the goal is ot reach high visibility and a large number of travelers. The placement of the screens makes it possible to implement
customized DOOH marketing activities and target passengers traveling to specific destinations of with certain airlines.
Price: On request *
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Terminal 4 — Special
This advertisement product in terminal 4 targets all departing travellers due to the central placement in the check-in hall. It offers high impact and dwell time due to the longer periods of time the travelers reside in the area.
Price per month: SEK 160 000*
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Contact usThis analogue sign in the domestic terminal targets all departing travellers. It offers high impact due to the placement in the junction of the passenger flows. It also offers high dwell time because of the large format that makes it noticeable also from further away from the sign.
Price per month: SEK 120 000*
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Contact usTerminal 4 — Promotion
This terminal 4 promotion area targets all passengers in the departure hall. The central location of this
product, in the largest passenger flow of the departure hall,
makes it a product with wide range.
Pris per vecka: 90 000 kr*
Intresserad av denna yta?
Kontakta ossThis product consists of two terminal 4 promotion areas that targets all arriving and departing passengers in the departure hall. The central location of this product, in the largest passenger f low of the departure hall, makes it a promotion area with wide range.
Price per week: 78 000 kr*
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Kontakta ossTerminal 2 — Analog
This lightbox targets 100 % of the travellers that are heading out from terminal 2 as well as travellers residing in the arrival hall waiting for luggage and using the airport services. The size of the lightbox makes it impactful and due to the placement in one of the largest passenger flows of the terminal, where all passengers pass, it offers high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 85 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox targets 100 % of the travellers that are heading out from terminal 2 as well as travellers residing in the arrival hall waiting for luggage and using the airport services. The size of the lightbox makes it impactful and due to the placement in one of the largest passenger flows of the terminal, where all passengers pass, it offers high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 85 000*
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Contact usLocated close to both the check-in hall, security check-point and the customs screening-point this lightbox targets the majority of the travellers residing o landside in international terminal 2. The size of the lightbox makes it impactful and seen by most in the terminal, both from close up and from afar.
Price per month: SEK 150 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usLocated close to the check-in counters of terminal 2 this lightbox targets the majority of the travellers arriving to the airport and waiting to check-in. The size of the lightbox makes it impactful and seen by most people residing close to the check-in counters in the terminal, both from close up and from afar.
Price per month: SEK 74 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox targets 100 % of the travellers that are heading out from terminal 2 through the customs screening point as well as travellers residing in the arrival hall waiting for luggage and using the airport services. The size of the lightbox makes it impactful and due to the placement in one of the largest passenger flows in the terminal, where all passengers pass, it offers high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 50 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis lightbox targets 100 % of the travellers that are heading out from terminal 2 as well as travellers residing in the arrival hall waiting for luggage and using the airport services. The size of the lightbox makes it impactful and due to the placement in one of the largest passenger flows in the terminal, where all passengers pass, it offers high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 50 000*
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Contact usThis lightbox is located on the wall in the non-Schengen departure hall.
Price per month: SEK 50 000*
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Contact usLocated in the check-in hall and above the security check-point of terminal 2, this lightbox targets all departing travellers in the terminal. The size of the lightbox makes it impactful and seen by most people residing around the security check-point and it offers long dwell time due to the central placement where travelers reside for longer periods of time.
Price per month: SEK 75 000*
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Contact usLocated above the check-in counters in terminal 2 these banners targets the majority of the travelers arriving to the airport and waiting to check-in. The central placement and large sizes makes for an impactful and dominating effect.
Price per month: SEK 150 000*
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Contact usThis advertising product offers a dominating effect in the arriving hall and customs screening points of both international terminals at Stockholm Arlanda Airport - terminals 2 and 5. It targets all arriving travelers and offers both impact, high dwell time and the possibility to communicate with the travelers throughout their entire journey through customs.
Price per quarter: SEK 491 667*
Price per year: SEK 5 900 000*
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Contact usTerminal 2 — Digital
The digital network is suitable for campaigns, launches and other marketing activities where the goal is ot reach high visibility and a large number of travelers. The placement of the screens offers a repetitive effect and customized DOOH marketing activities are easily implemented on the digital network due to the wide range of options regarding airports, terminals and timing of messages.
12.5 % share of voice
Price: On request *
Interested in this space?
Contact usThe digital network is suitable for campaigns, launches and other marketing activities where the goal is ot reach high visibility and a large number of travelers. The placement of the screens makes it possible to implement
customized DOOH marketing activities and target passengers traveling to specific destinations of with certain airlines.
Price: On request *
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Terminal 2 — Special
These floor decals are located in the arrival hall of international terminal 2 and targets 100 % of the arriving travellers. Situated in the large passenger flow after the customs screening point makes them impactful. The high number of decals gives a repetitive effect and a high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 157 500*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThe baggage belt foils targets all arriving travellers at terminal 2. The advertisement area offers high dwell time and the placement in one of the largest passenger flows of terminal 2 makes the foil seen by most passersby.
Price per month: SEK 128 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThese floor decals are located in the arrival hall of international terminal 2 and targets 100 % of the arriving travelers. Situated in the large passenger flow before the customs screening point makes them impactful. The high number of decals gives a repetitive effect and a high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 75 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThese floor decals are located in the arrival hall of international terminal 2 and targets 100 % of the arriving travellers. Situated in the large passenger flow after the customs screening point makes them impactful. The high number of decals gives a repetitive effect and a high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 157 500*
Interested in this space?
Contact usTerminal 2 — Promotion
This promotion area targets all terminal 2 travellers that departs or arrive in the departure hall. The central placement in a large terminal 2 passenger flow and the close proximity to facilities such as lounges, shops and restaurants makes the promotion area a place of wide range.
Pris per vecka: 55 000 kr*
Intresserad av denna yta?
Kontakta ossSkyCity — Analogt
These SkyCity window banners targets all travelers, visitors and employees arriving to the airport by domestic and commuter train via the fourth largest train station in Sweden. It also targets domestic and international transit passengers heading between all airport terminals.
The large format and the central placement makes this product stand out and seen by most passersby.
Price per month: SEK 140 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis SkyCity banner targets all passengers, visitors and employees arriving to the airport by domestic and commuter train via the fourth largest train station in Sweden. It also targets domestic and international transit passengers heading between all airport terminals.
The large format and the central placement makes this product stand out and seen by most passersby.
Price per month: SEK 97 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThe impact and dwell time of this advertisement area is maximized due to the size and location, in close proximity to the security check-point, check-in counters and SkyCity. The placement of the pillar banner makes it a suitable advertisement area for targeting the majority of the travellers in the international terminal 5 as well as travellers and visitors arriving from and residing in SkyCity.
Price per month: SEK 100 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usSkyCity — Digital
The digital network is suitable for campaigns, launches and other marketing activities where the goal is ot reach high visibility and a large number of travelers.
The placement of the screens offers a repetitive effect and customized DOOH marketing activities are easily implemented on the digital network due to the wide range of options regarding airports, terminals and timing of messages.
Price per week: On request *
Interested in this space?
Contact usSkyCity — Promotion
This SkyCity promotion area targets all passengers, visitors and employees arriving to the airport by domestic and commuter train via the fourth largest train station in Sweden. It also targets domestic and international transit passengers heading between all airport terminals.
The large format and the central placement makes this product stand out and seen by most passersby.
Price per week: SEK 55 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis SkyCity promotion area targets all passengers, visitors and employees arriving to the airport by domestic and commuter train via the fourth largest train station in Sweden. It also targets domestic and international transit passengers heading between all airport terminals.
The large format and the central placement makes this product stand out and seen by most passersby.
Price per week: SEK 55 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis SkyCity promotion area targets all passengers, visitors and employees arriving to the airport by domestic and commuter train via the fourth largest train station in Sweden. It also targets domestic and international transit passengers heading between all airport terminals.
The central location of this product makes it a premium promotion area suitable for cars and large showcases.
Price per week: SEK 55 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis SkyCity promotion area targets all passengers, visitors and employees arriving to the airport by domestic and commuter train via the fourth largest train station in Sweden. It also targets domestic and international transit passengers heading between all airport terminals.
The central placement of this product makes it a premium promotion area with a high possible scope.
Price per week: SEK 55 000*
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Contact usUtomhus — Analog
This billboard is located on the side of the highway and the main approach towards the airport. The banner targets the majority of the travellers arriving to the airport by bus or car and is impactful due to the large size.
Price per month: SEK 190 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis billboard is located on the side of the main approach towards the airport. The banner targets the majority of the travellers arriving to the airport by bus or car to terminal 5 and is impactful due to the large size.
Price per month: SEK 75 000*
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Contact usThis outdoor banner is located outside the entrance to domestic terminal 4. The banner targets the majority of the travellers arriving or departing terminal 4 by bus or car as well as transit travellers of terminal 2, 3 and 4.
Price per month: SEK 175 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis outdoor banner is located outside the entrance to domestic terminal 4. The banner targets 100 % of the travellers arriving or departing terminals 2, 3 and 4 by bus or car.
Price per month: SEK 95 000*
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Contact usThis banner is located on the wall of the car park outside terminal 5 and targets all travellers departing the airport by taxi, as well as travellers arriving to and departing from the by bus.
Price per month: SEK 240 500*
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Contact usThis banner is located close to international terminal 5 and to the main approach towards the airport. The banner targets the majority of the travellers arriving to terminal 5 by bus or car. Due to the size this banner is impactful and seen be most passersby.
Price per month: SEK 240 500*
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis banner is located close to international terminal 5 and to the main approach towards the airport. The banner targets the majority of the travelers arriving to the airport by bus or car and is very impactful due to the size.
Price per month: SEK 300 000*
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This banner is located close to international terminal 5 and to the main approach towards the airport. The banner targets the majority of the travellers arriving to terminal 5 by bus or car. Due to the size this banner is impactful and seen be most passersby.
Price per month: SEK 240 500*
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