Annonsera på Visby Airport
Swedavia Reklam erbjuder en unik varumärkesarena i en attraktiv och dynamisk miljö där såväl nationell- som internationell publik möts. Ta del av ett brett och flexibelt reklamutbud som ger en fantastisk produktmix och en bred geografisk räckvidd.
Produkter och format
Sverige och Gotland
Sverige är en av världens mest konkurrenskraftiga och produktiva ekonomier, en spjutspets inom innovation som kan ståta med sofistikerade konsumenter och en öppen inställning till internationella företag och ägande. Sverige är hemmamarknad för ett stort antal världsledande företag inom ett flertal sektorer, och dess starka tro på en okomplicerad företagsmiljö innebär attraktiva möjligheter för investeringar och företag.
Gotland är Sveriges största ö och ligger öster om fastlandet, söder om Stockholm. Ön är landets till befolkningen minsta län, men också det län som har störst andel småföretag. Regionens viktigaste branscher är turism, jordbruk, livsmedel och stenhuggeri. Gotland uppvisar en positiv utveckling för besöksnäringen. Gotland är ett populärt resmål och cirka 2 miljoner personer reser till ön årligen med flyg eller färja. Tack vare turismen har även många serviceföretag inom detaljhandel, transport, hotell, restaurang och upplevelser också växt sig starka.
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Visby Airport
Swedavia arbetar ständigt med att utveckla och förbättra sina tio flygplatser för att möta det ökande trycket på ett effektivt resande inrikes och internationellt.
Visby Airport ligger endast tre och en halv kilometer från Visby centrum. Flygplatsen har varit i drift sedan 1942. Omfattande ombyggnationer har genomförts på flygplatsen för att långsiktigt säkerställa flygplatsens kapacitet och attraktionskraft samt för att tillgodose dagens och framtidens behov.
Gotland är ett populärt turistmål under sommarmånaderna och sommaren är därför högsäsong på Visby Airport.
Inomhus – Analog

Theese analouge signs (10) targets both arriving and departing travelers at the airport that are heading between the check-in and arrival hall as well as people heading towards the restaurant on landside.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
Price during Almedalen Week: SEK 25 000*
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This product greets the travelers when they enter into the arrival hall from their aircrafts. The banner offers high dwell time due to the longer periods of time that travelers reside in the arrival hall. Due to the large format, central placement on the baggage belt it is seen by most people.
Price per month: SEK 30 000*
Price during Almedalen Week: On request*
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This analogue sign greets the travelers when they enter into the arrival hall from their aircrafts. The product offers high dwell time due to the longer periods of time that travelers reside in the arrival hall. Due to the large format, central placement on the baggage belt it is seen by most people.
Price per month: SEK 40 000*
Price during Almedalen Week: On request*
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The digital network is suitable for campaigns, launches and other marketing activities where the goal is ot reach high visibility and a large number of travelers.
The placement of the screens offers a repetitive effect and customized DOOH marketing activities are easily implemented on the digital network due to the wide range of options regarding airports, terminals and timing of messages.
Share of Voice
12.5 %
Price per week: SEK 3 900*
Price during Almedalen Week: SEK 30 000*
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The digital network is suitable for campaigns, launches and other marketing activities where the goal is ot reach high visibility and a large number of travelers.
The placement of the screens makes it possible to implement customized DOOH marketing activities and target passengers traveling to specific destinations of with certain airlines.
Share of Voice
12.5 %
Price during Almedalen Week: Contact Swedavia
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This product targets the majority of the travellers at Visby Airport. The decals offers high dwell time and an repetitive and dominating effect all over the airport due to the high number of trolleys that are distributed.
Price per month: SEK 6 000*
Price during Almedalen Week: Contact Swedavia
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This product targets all departing travelers heading through the security check-point. Due to the large number of faces the product offers high impact and dwell time as well as a repetitive effect as the travelers reside in the area for a longer period of time as they wait to pass through the screening.
Price per month: SEK 10 000*
Price during Almedalen Week: Contact Swedavia
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Entrance from airside. Foil on glass and signs
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
Price during Almedalen Week: Contact Swedavia
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These floor decals greet the travelers when they enter into the arrival hall from their aircrafts. The showcases offers high dwell time and a repetitive effect in the arrival hall.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
Price during Almedalen Week: Contact Swedavia
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These floor decals greet the travelers when they enter into the arrival hall from their aircrafts. The showcases offers high dwell time and a repetitive effect in the arrival hall.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
Price during Almedalen Week: Contact Swedavia
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This product greets the travelers when they enter into the arrival hall from their aircrafts. The foil offers high dwell time due to the longer periods of time that travelers reside in the arrival hall. Due to the large format, central placement on the baggage belt it is seen by most people.
Price per month: SEK 18 000*
Price during Almedalen Week: Contact Swedavia
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This product greets the travelers when they enter into the arrival hall from their aircrafts. This analogue sign is located around main exit from arrival hall, towards taxi and car parks
Price per month: On request
Price during Almedalen Week: Contact Swedavia
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Space in magazine rack in departure hall.
Price per month: On request*
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Contact usInomhus — Promotion

This promotion area greets 100 % of the travelers when they enter into the arrival hall from their aircrafts. The area offers high dwell time and an opportunity to personalize and adapt the marketing activity to the brand.
Price per week: SEK 7 000*
Price during Almedalen Week: SEK 30 000*
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Promotion area in arrival hall.
Price per week: On request
Price during Almedalen Week: SEK 30 000*
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This promotion area greets 100 % of the travelers in the arrival hall. The area offers high dwell time due to the longer periods of time that the travelers reside in the hall and an opportunity to personalize and adapt the marketing activity to the brand.
Price per week: SEK 7 000*
Price during Almedalen Week: SEK 30 000*
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Price per week: SEK 7 000*
Price during Almedalen Week: SEK 30 000*
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Contact usUtomhus — Analogt

This analogue sign targets the majority of the arriving travelers as they are heading into the arrival hall from their aircrafts. The large format and central placement offers impact and high visibility.
Price per month: On request
Price during Almedalen Week: SEK 40 000*
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This analogue sign targets the majority of the arriving travelers as they are heading into the arrival hall from their aircrafts. The large format and central placement offers impact and high visibility.
Price per month: On request
Price during Almedalen Week: SEK 40 000*
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This analogue sign targets the majority of the arriving travelers as they are heading into the arrival hall from their aircrafts. The large format and central placement offers impact and high visibility.
Price per month: On request
Price during Almedalen Week: SEK 40 000*
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The banner targets all arriving travelers at the airport and greets the travelers when they exit their aircrafts. The banner offers high dwell time and impact as well as a dominating effect due to the large format and central placement.
Price per month: SEK 30 000*
Price during Almedalen Week: SEK 100 000*
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This outdoor billboard targets the majority of the travelers and visitors arriving to and departing from the airport due to the two sides included in the product. The billboard offers high impact and a dominating effect at the exit and it is seen by most passersby.
Price per month: SEK 70 000*
Price during Almedalen Week: SEK 50 000*
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This outdoor billboard targets the majority of the travelers and visitors arriving to the airport. The billboard offers high impact due to the large format and central placement and is seen by most passersby.
Price per month: SEK 10 000*
Price during Almedalen Week: SEK 40 000*
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This outdoor billboard targets the majority of the travelers and visitors arriving to the airport. The billboard offers high impact due to the large format and central placement and is seen by most passersby.
Price per month: SEK 10 000*
Price during Almedalen Week: SEK 40 000*
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This advertisement product targets the majority of both arriving and departing travelers at the airport due to the central location just outside the terminal building. The flags offers high dwell time due to the longer period of time that people reside in the area as well as a repetitive effect due to the number of flag posts on offer.
Price per month: On request
Price during Almedalen Week: SEK 50 000*
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This advertisement product targets the majority of the arriving travelers at the airport due to the central location.
Price per month: SEK Contact Swedavia
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Price per week: On request
Price during Almedalen Week: SEK 30 000*
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Event area along the terminal facade. Suitable for car.
Price per week: On request
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Price per week: On request
Price during Almedalen Week: SEK 60 000*
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