Annonsera på Luleå Airport
Swedavia Reklam erbjuder en unik varumärkesarena i en attraktiv och dynamisk miljö där såväl nationell- som internationell publik möts. Ta del av ett brett och flexibelt reklamutbud som ger en fantastisk produktmix och en bred geografisk räckvidd.
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Sverige och Norrbotten
Sverige är en av världens mest konkurrenskraftiga och produktiva ekonomier, en spjutspets inom innovation som kan ståta med sofistikerade konsumenter och en öppen inställning till internationella företag och ägande. Sverige är hemmamarknad för ett stort antal världsledande företag inom ett flertal sektorer, och dess starka tro på en okomplicerad företagsmiljö innebär attraktiva möjligheter för investeringar och företag.
Luleå är en snabbväxande och blomstrande region med avancerad infrastruktur och snabba kommunikationer, och en nordlig knutpunkt för företag från Sverige, Norge, Finland och Ryssland.
Norrbotten har länge varit ekonomiskt beroende av stålindustrin och järnmalmen. Idag är Nordens nordligaste universitet, Luleå tekniska universitet, nästan lika viktigt för regionen. Universitetet är världsledande på många tekniska forskningsområden. Detta har gjort Luleå till ett norrländskt centrum för IT, vetenskap och näringsliv.
Luleå erbjuder även ett fantastiskt landskap och enastående utsikter som varierar med årstiderna. De kalla, kristallklara vintrarnas övergång i ljusa, soliga somrar gör Luleå och den tillhörande skärgården till ett naturskönt resmål året runt.
Mängder av aktiviteter, ett rikt kulturliv och ett stort utbud av evenemang och upplevelser gör även Luleå till ett populärt resmål för både fritid och arbete.

Luleå Airport
Swedavia arbetar ständigt med att utveckla och förbättra sina tio flygplatser för att möta det ökande trycket på ett effektivt resande inrikes och internationellt.
Luleå Airport har varit i drift sedan september 1944 och är den femte största flygplatsen i Sverige. Flygplatsen spelar en viktig roll för regionen, delvis på grund av närheten till Luleå. Flygplatsen ligger endast sju kilometer från centrala Luleå. Den fungerar även som en ingångsport till Lappland och som inrikesflygplats och internationell flygplats för tio av de fjorton kommunerna i Norrbottens län.
Flygplatsen har byggts om och byggts ut ett flertal gånger under årens gång, med målet att tillgodose dagens och framtidens behov och göra vistelsen på flygplatsen mer behaglig för alla passagerare.
Inomhus — Analog

These lightboxes are located in the largest passenger flow of the arrival hall, where one can target the majority of the arriving travelers at the airport. The lightboxes offers high dwell time due to the central placement in the arrival hall, above both baggage belts, where the travelers reside for longer periods of time.
Price per month: On request *
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These lightboxes are located in the largest passenger flow of the arrival hall, where one can target the majority of the arriving travelers at the airport. The lightboxes offers high dwell time due to the central placement in the arrival hall, above both baggage belts, where the travelers reside for longer periods of time.
Price per month:On request *
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These lightboxes are located in the largest passenger flow of the arrival hall, where one can target the majority of the arriving travelers at the airport. The lightboxes offers high dwell time due to the central placement in the arrival hall, above both baggage belts, where the travelers reside for longer periods of time.
Price per month:On request *
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Wall & floor foiling, between security control and gate 5.
Price per month: On request *
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This fabric frame is located in Gate 3.
Price per month:On request *
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These lightboxes are located in the largest passenger flow of the arrival hall, where one can target the majority of the arriving travelers at the airport. The lightboxes offers high dwell time due to the central placement in the arrival hall, above both baggage belts, where the travelers reside for longer periods of time.
Price per month:On request *
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This analogue sign is located in the check-in hall, close to the arriving passenger flow where one can target the majority of the arriving travelers at the airport that are exiting the airport towards buses, taxi and car parks.
Price per month: On request *
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This banner is located in the departure hall, in front of Gate 3, in the departing passenger flow where one can target a large part of the departing travelers at the airport that are waiting for their flights.
Price per month: On request *
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This analogue sign is located in the departure hall, on a pillar between Gate 3 and 4, in the departing passenger flow where one can target a large part of the departing travelers at the airport. It offers high dwell time due to the longer periods travelers reside in this area.
Price per month: On request *
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Standing table with charging station located in gate 5.
Price per month: On request *
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Standing table with a charging station located in the departing passenger flow where one can target a large part of the departing travelers at the airport with high dwell time due to the longer periods travelers reside in that area.
Price per month: On request *
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This banner is located in the departure hall, on the wall close to Gate 5, in the departing passenger flow where one can target a large part of the departing travelers at the airport. It offers high dwell time due to the longer periods travelers reside in this area.
Price per month: On request *
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This analogue sign is located in the departure hall, on the wall next to the toilets between Gate 3 and 4, in the departing passenger flow where one can target a large part of the departing travelers at the airport. It offers high dwell time due to the longer periods travelers reside in this area.
Price per month: On request *
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This lightbox is located in the check-in hall, on the wall next to the stairs towards the security check-point, in the departing passenger flow where one can target a large part of the departing travelers at the airport.
Price per month:On request *
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This wall surface is located in the departure hall, on the wall above the security check-point, in the departing passenger flow where one can target a large part of the departing travelers at the airport. It offers high dwell time due to the longer periods travelers reside in this area.
Price per month: On request *
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This "package" is located on the wall next to the stairs towards the arrival hall and the baggage belts, in the arriving passenger flow where one can target a large part of the arriving travelers at the airport. Due to the placement close to the restaurant, where travelers reside for longer periods, it also offers high dwell time. Image will be comming soon.
Price per month:On request *
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This banner is located in the largest passenger flow of the arrival hall, where one can target the majority of the arriving travelers at the airport. The banner offers high dwell time and impact due to the central placement where the travelers reside for longer periods of time and because of the large size.
Number one seen from the left.
Price per month: On request *
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This banner is located in the largest passenger flow of the arrival hall, where one can target the majority of the arriving travelers at the airport. The banner offers high dwell time and impact due to the central placement where the travelers reside for longer periods of time and because of the large size.
Number two seen from the left.
Price per month: On request *
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This analogue sign is located in the departure hall, on the low area in front of the security check-point, in the departing passenger flow where one can target a large part of the departing travelers at the airport. It offers high dwell time due to the longer periods travelers reside in this area.
Price per month: On request *
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Banner on glass wall located in Gate 5, in departure/arrival.
Price per month: On request *
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This analogue sign is located in the departure hall, on the wall close to the toilets near Gate 4, in the departing passenger flow where one can target a large part of the departing travelers at the airport. It offers high dwell time due to the longer periods travelers reside in this area.
Price per month:On request *
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Arrival flow. Wall foiling or cover plate.
Price per month: On request *
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Banner located in departure hall (fabric frame).
Price per month: On request *
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Fabric frame located at Luleå Airport, Gate 2
Price per month: On request *
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Contact usInomhus — Digital

The digital network is suitable for campaigns, launches and other marketing activities where the goal is ot reach high visibility and a large number of travelers. The placement of the screens offers a repetitive effect and customized DOOH marketing activities are easily implemented on the digital network due to the wide range of options regarding airports, terminals and timing of messages.
Price per week: On request *
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The digital network is suitable for campaigns, launches and other marketing activities where the goal is ot reach high visibility and a large number of travelers. The placement of the screens makes it possible to implement
customized DOOH marketing activities and target passengers traveling to specific destinations of with certain airlines.
Price per week: On request *
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This foil is placed on the walls inside bridge 3, in the departure hall, the departing passenger flow where one can target a large part of the departing travelers at the airport. The foil offers impact, a repetitive effect and high dwell time which makes it possible to further embed messages and communicate with the travelers.
Price per month: On request *
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This foil is placed on the walls inside bridge 5, in the departure hall, the departing passenger flow where one can target a large part of the departing travelers at the airport. The foil offers impact, a repetitive effect and high dwell time which makes it possible to further embed messages and communicate with the travelers.
Price per month: On request *
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This foil is placed on the walls inside bridge 4, in the departure hall, the departing passenger flow where one can target a large part of the departing travelers at the airport. The foil offers impact, a repetitive effect and high dwell time which makes it possible to further embed messages and communicate with the travelers.
Price per month: On request *
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This product greets the travelers when they enter into the arrival hall. The foil offers high dwell time due to the longer periods of time that travelers reside in the arrival hall. Due to the large format, central placement on the baggage belt it is seen by most people.
Price per month: On request *
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This product greets the travelers when they enter into the arrival hall. The foil offers high dwell time due to the longer periods of time that travelers reside in the arrival hall. Due to the large format, central placement on the baggage belt it is seen by most people.
Price per month: On request *
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This product greets both the travelers entering the arrival hall and the check-in hall. The foil offers high dwell time due to the longer periods of time that travelers reside around this area. Due to the large format, central placement, between the arrival hall and check-in hall, it is seen by most people.
Price per month: On request *
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This foil is placed on all of the walls in Gate 2 and targets all the travelers in this area, in the departing passenger flow. The foil offers high dwell time due to the longer periods of time that travelers reside around this area. Due to the large and impactful format, all around Gate 2, it is seen by most travelers in the area.
Price per month: On request *
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This product is located in the security check-point and targets all departing travelers at the airport. The central placement offers high dwell time, an impactful effect and the possibility to communicate with the travelers in one of the largest passenger flows of the airport.
Price per month: On request *
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This analogue sign is located on the wall next to the stairs, halfway down, towards the arrival hall and the baggage belts, in the arriving passenger flow where one can target a large part of the arriving travelers at the airport.
Price per month: On request *
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Foiling attached to glass at stairs up to security check.
Price per month: On request *
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These magazine racks are located at several places all over the airport and targets all travelers. The placement and number of faces in the largest passenger flows makes this product impactful, offers dwell time and a repetitive effect.
Price on request *
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This promotion area is located in a large passenger flow just outside the arrival hall, where one can target a majority of the arriving travelers at the airport. The promotion area offers high dwell time and impact due to the central placement where the travelers reside for longer periods of time.
Price per month: On request *
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This promotion area is located in a large passenger flow, next to the elevator just outside the arrival hall, where one can target a majority of the arriving travelers at the airport. The promotion area offers high dwell time and impact due to the central placement where the travelers reside for longer periods of time.
Price per week: On request *
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This promotion area is located in a large passenger flow, next to the stairs in the arrival hall, where one can target a majority of the arriving travelers at the airport. The promotion area offers high dwell time and impact due to the central placement where the travelers reside for longer periods of time.
Price per week: On request *
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This billboard is located outside the terminal building and next to the main approach towards the airport. The banner targets the majority of the travellers arriving to or departing from the airport by bus or car and is impactful due to the large size.
Price per month: SEK 12 500*
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This billboard is located outside the terminal building and next to the main approach towards the airport. The banner targets the majority of the travellers arriving to or departing from the airport by bus or car and is impactful due to the large size.
Price Per month: On request *
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* Priserna som visas är exklusive moms