Annonsera på Kiruna Airport
Swedavia Reklam erbjuder en unik varumärkesarena i en attraktiv och dynamisk miljö där såväl nationell- som internationell publik möts. Ta del av ett brett och flexibelt reklamutbud som ger en fantastisk produktmix och en bred geografisk räckvidd.
Produkter och format
Sverige och Kirunaregionen
Sverige är en av världens mest konkurrenskraftiga och produktiva ekonomier, en spjutspets inom innovation som kan ståta med sofistikerade konsumenter och en öppen inställning till internationella företag och ägande. Sverige är hemmamarknad för ett stort antal världsledande företag inom ett flertal sektorer, och dess starka tro på en okomplicerad företagsmiljö innebär attraktiva möjligheter för investeringar och företag.
Kiruna ligger i Norrbottens län i den allra nordligaste delen av Sverige. Länet gränsar till Norge och Finland i nordväst, och de tre länderna möts vid Treriksröset. Länet växer både befolkningsmässigt och ekonomiskt, särskilt Kiruna. Kiruna lockar många verksamheter, främst på grund av dess underjordiska gruva, som är världens största. Staden är i själva verket Sveriges livligaste samhälle mätt per capita.
Gruvdriften är regionens livsnerv och den absolut största arbetsgivaren. Eftersom staden är nästan helt beroende av gruvan pågår nu en stadsomvandling där hela stadskärnan måste flyttas, eftersom gruvan gradvis byggs ut under den nuvarande staden.
Förutom gruvorna är regionen kanske mest känd för ishotellet i Jukkasjärvi. Det är det största hotellet i världen som helt består av is och snö, och byggs från grunden varje år. Hotellet är öppet från mitten på december fram till slutet av april.

Kiruna Airport
Swedavia arbetar ständigt med att utveckla och förbättra sina tio flygplatser för att möta det ökande trycket på ett effektivt resande inrikes och internationellt.
Kiruna Airport är Sveriges nordligaste flygplats och har varit i drift sedan 1960. Flygplatsen spelar en viktig roll för regionen och för Kiruna i och med det geografiska läget norr om polcirkeln. Flygplatsen är ett centrum för den infrastruktur som staden och regionen behöver för att utvecklas och fortbestå som ett väl fungerande samhälle. Flygplatsens betydelse har bara ökat på senare år, med anledning av det växande näringslivet, turismen och forskningen i området.
Läget i norra Sverige innebär gott om fritt luftrum runt flygplatsen, vilket är något som uppskattas av alla de företag och forskare som kommer till Kiruna för att utveckla och testa sina produkter i områdets extrema klimat. Även gruvorna, rymdforskningen, den magnifika naturen, norrskenen och ishotellet lockar besökare från hela världen.
Inomhus — Analog

These lightboxes are located above the baggage belt in the
arrival hall and targets a majority of the arriving travelers. The
central placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes
these products impactful. High dwell time is also offered due to
the longer periods of time that passengers reside in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5000*
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This wall surface, suitable for foil, is located in the exit from the
arrival hall towards buses, taxi and parking. It targets almost all
arriving travelers. The central placement in one of the largest
passenger flows makes this product impactful. High dwell time
is offered aswell.
Price per month: On request
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These lightboxes are located above the baggage belt in the
arrival hall and targets a majority of the arriving travelers. The
central placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes
these products impactful. High dwell time is also offered due to
the longer periods of time that passengers reside in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
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These lightboxes are located above the baggage belt in the
arrival hall and targets a majority of the arriving travelers. The
central placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes
these products impactful. High dwell time is also offered due to
the longer periods of time that passengers reside in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
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These lightboxes are located above the baggage belt in the
arrival hall and targets a majority of the arriving travelers. The
central placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes
these products impactful. High dwell time is also offered due to
the longer periods of time that passengers reside in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
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These lightboxes are located above the baggage belt in the
arrival hall and targets a majority of the arriving travelers. The
central placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes
these products impactful. High dwell time is also offered due to
the longer periods of time that passengers reside in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
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These lightboxes are located close to the gates, in the departure
hall and targets all of the departing travelers. The central
placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes these
products impactful. High dwell time is also offered due to the
longer periods of time that passengers reside in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
Interested in this space?
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These lightboxes are located close to the gates, in the departure
hall and targets all of the departing travelers. The central
placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes these
products impactful. High dwell time is also offered due to the
longer periods of time that passengers reside in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
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These lightboxes are located close to the gates, in the departure
hall and targets all of the departing travelers. The central
placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes these
products impactful. High dwell time is also offered due to the
longer periods of time that passengers reside in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
Interested in this space?
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These lightboxes are located close to the gates, in the departure
hall and targets all of the departing travelers. The central
placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes these
products impactful. High dwell time is also offered due to the
longer periods of time that passengers reside in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
Interested in this space?
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These lightboxes are located close to the gates, in the departure
hall and targets all of the departing travelers. The central
placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes these
products impactful. High dwell time is also offered due to the
longer periods of time that passengers reside in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
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These double-sided mobile light pillars are located opposite
the security check-point, in the check-in hall and targets all
of the departing travelers. The central placement in one of the
largest passenger flows makes these products impactful. High
dwell time is also offered due to the longer periods of time that
passengers reside in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
Interested in this space?
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These double-sided mobile light pillars are located opposite
the security check-point, in the check-in hall and targets all
of the departing travelers. The central placement in one of the
largest passenger flows makes these products impactful. High
dwell time is also offered due to the longer periods of time that
passengers reside in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
Interested in this space?
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These double-sided mobile light pillars are located opposite
the security check-point, in the check-in hall and targets all
of the departing travelers. The central placement in one of the
largest passenger flows makes these products impactful. High
dwell time is also offered due to the longer periods of time that
passengers reside in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
Interested in this space?
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These double-sided mobile light pillars are located opposite
the security check-point, in the check-in hall and targets all
of the departing travelers. The central placement in one of the
largest passenger flows makes these products impactful. High
dwell time is also offered due to the longer periods of time that
passengers reside in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
Interested in this space?
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This banner is located on the opposite side of the baggage belt,
between the toilets, in the arrival hall and targets all arriving
travelers. The central placement in one of the largest passenger
flows makes this product impactful. High dwell time is also
offered due to the longer periods of time that passengers reside
in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
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This wall surface is located between two pillars, next to the
entrance, in the check-in hall and targets all departing travelers.
The central placement in one of the largest passenger flows
makes this product impactful. High dwell time is also offered
due to the longer periods of time that passengers reside in the
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
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These lightboxes are located in front of the gates, close to the
restaurant, in the departure hall and targets all of the departing
travelers. The central placement in one of the largest passenger
flows makes these products impactful. High dwell time is also
offered due to the longer periods of time that passengers reside
in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
Interested in this space?
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These lightboxes are located in front of the gates, close to the
restaurant, in the departure hall and targets all of the departing
travelers. The central placement in one of the largest passenger
flows makes these products impactful. High dwell time is also
offered due to the longer periods of time that passengers reside
in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
Interested in this space?
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These lightboxes are located above the baggage belt in the
arrival hall and targets a majority of the arriving travelers. The
central placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes
these products impactful. High dwell time is also offered due to
the longer periods of time that passengers reside in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
Interested in this space?
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These lightboxes are located above the baggage belt in the arrival hall and targets a majority of the arriving travelers. The central placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes this product impactful. High dwell time is also offered due to the longer periods of time that passengers reside in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
Interested in this space?
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These lightboxes are located above the baggage belt in the
arrival hall and targets a majority of the arriving travelers. The
central placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes
these products impactful. High dwell time is also offered due to
the longer periods of time that passengers reside in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
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This banner is located just outside the security check-point, in
the check-in hall and targets all departing travelers. The central
placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes this
product impactful. High dwell time is also offered due to the
longer periods of time that passengers reside in the area.
Price per month: On request
Interested in this space?
Contact usInomhus — Digital

The digital network is suitable for campaigns, launches and
other marketing activities where the goal is ot reach high
visibility and a large number of travelers.
The placement of the screens makes it possible to implement
customized DOOH marketing activities and target passengers
traveling to specific destinations of with certain airlines.
Share of Voice
12.5 %
Price per week: SEK 2 000*
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The digital network is suitable for campaigns, launches and other
marketing activities where the goal is ot reach high visibility and
a large number of travelers.
The placement of the screens offers a repetitive effect and
customized DOOH marketing activities are easily implemented
on the digital network due to the wide range of options regarding
airports, terminals and timing of messages.
Share of voice:
12,5 %
Price per week: SEK 2 300*
Interested in this space?
Contact usInomhus — Special

This magazine rack is located just outside the security checkpoint,
in the check-in hall and targets all departing travelers. The
central placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes
this product impactful.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
Interested in this space?
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This product targets the majority of the travelers at the airport.
The decals offer high dwell time and a repetitive and dominating
effect all over the airport due to the high number of trolleys that
are distributed.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
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This product greets the travelers when they enter the arrival
hall from the aircrafts. The foil offers high dwell time due to the
longer periods of time that travelers reside in the arrival hall. Due
to the large format, central placement on the baggage belt it
makes this product impactful.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
Interested in this space?
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This wall surface is located on the wall just inside the entrance
from the aircrafts into the arrival hall, on the left hand side, and
targets all arriving travelers. The central placement in one of
the largest passenger flows makes this product impactful. High
dwell time is also offered.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
Interested in this space?
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This wall surface is located on the wall close to the security checkpoint, in the check-in hall and targets all departing travelers. The
central placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes
this product impactful. High dwell time is also offered due to the
longer periods of time that passengers reside in the area.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
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This product is located in the security check-point and targets
all departing travelers at the airport. The central placement
offers high dwell time, an impactful effect and the possibility to
communicate with the travelers in one of the largest passenger
flows of the airport.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usInomhus — Promotion

This promotion area is located in the arrival hall, close to the
baggage belt, next to the entrance from the aircrafts and targets
all arriving travelers. The placement and format offers high dwell
time and an impactful effect in the arrival hall where travelers
reside for longer periods of time.
Price per week: SEK 7 000*
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This promotion area is located in the arrival hall, in front of the
baggage belt, and targets all arriving travelers. The placement
and format offers high dwell time and an impactful effect in the
arrival hall where travelers reside for longer periods of time.
Price per month: On request
Interested in this space?
Contact usThis welcome desk is located in the arrival hall, next to the
baggage belt, and targets all arriving travelers. The placement
and format offers high dwell time and an impactful effect in the
arrival hall where travelers reside for longer periods of time.
Price per week: On request
Interested in this space?
Contact usUtomhus - Analogt

This outdoor three-sided sign, located in front of the terminal
building, next to the parking lot, targets almost all arriving and
departing travelers at the airport. The large format and central
placement offers high impact and high visibility.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
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This double-sided outdoor lightbox, located close to the parking
lot on the opposite side of the road from the terminal building,
targets a large part of the arriving and departing travelers at the
airport. The placement offers high impact and dwell time due to
the format and placement in a large passenger flow.
Price per month: SEK 5 000*
Interested in this space?
Contact usUtomhus - Special

These advertisement products targets the majority of both
arriving and departing travelers at the airport due to the central
location just outside the terminal building. The flags offers high
dwell time due to the longer period of time that people reside in
the area as well as a repetitive effect due to the number of flag
posts on offer.
Price per month: SEK 2 000*
Interested in this space?
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These advertisement products targets the majority of both
arriving and departing travelers at the airport due to the central
location just outside the terminal building. The flags offers high
dwell time due to the longer period of time that people reside in
the area as well as a repetitive effect due to the number of flag
posts on offer.
Price per month: SEK 2 000*
Interested in this space?
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These advertisement products targets the majority of both
arriving and departing travelers at the airport due to the central
location just outside the terminal building. The flags offers high
dwell time due to the longer period of time that people reside in
the area as well as a repetitive effect due to the number of flag
posts on offer.
Price per month: SEK 2 000*
Interested in this space?
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These advertisement products targets the majority of both
arriving and departing travelers at the airport due to the central
location just outside the terminal building. The flags offers high
dwell time due to the longer period of time that people reside in
the area as well as a repetitive effect due to the number of flag
posts on offer.
Price per month: SEK 2 000*
Interested in this space?
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These advertisement products targets the majority of both
arriving and departing travelers at the airport due to the central
location just outside the terminal building. The flags offers high
dwell time due to the longer period of time that people reside in
the area as well as a repetitive effect due to the number of flag
posts on offer.
Price per month: SEK 2 000*
Interested in this space?
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These advertisement products targets the majority of both
arriving and departing travelers at the airport due to the central
location just outside the terminal building. The flags offers high
dwell time due to the longer period of time that people reside in
the area as well as a repetitive effect due to the number of flag
posts on offer.
Price per month: SEK 2 000*
Interested in this space?
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These advertisement products targets the majority of both
arriving and departing travelers at the airport due to the central
location just outside the terminal building. The flags offers high
dwell time due to the longer period of time that people reside in
the area as well as a repetitive effect due to the number of flag
posts on offer.
Price per month: SEK 2 000*
Interested in this space?
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These advertisement products targets the majority of both
arriving and departing travelers at the airport due to the central
location just outside the terminal building. The flags offers high
dwell time due to the longer period of time that people reside in
the area as well as a repetitive effect due to the number of flag
posts on offer.
Price per month: SEK 2 000*
Interested in this month?
Contact us
These advertisement products targets the majority of both
arriving and departing travelers at the airport due to the central
location just outside the terminal building. The flags offers high
dwell time due to the longer period of time that people reside in
the area as well as a repetitive effect due to the number of flag
posts on offer.
Price per month: SEK 2 000*
Interested in this space?
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These advertisement products targets the majority of both
arriving and departing travelers at the airport due to the central
location just outside the terminal building. The flags offers high
dwell time due to the longer period of time that people reside in
the area as well as a repetitive effect due to the number of flag
posts on offer.
Price per month: SEK 2 000*
Interested in this space?
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