Annonsera på Bromma Stockholm Airport
Swedavia Reklam erbjuder en unik varumärkesarena i en attraktiv och dynamisk miljö där såväl nationell- som internationell publik möts. Ta del av ett brett och flexibelt reklamutbud som ger en fantastisk produktmix och en bred geografisk räckvidd.
Produkter och format
Stockholm - Skandinaviens huvudstad
Stockholm är inte enbart den största staden i Nordens största land, utan även en av Europas snabbast växande huvudstäder, med en inflyttning på nära 39 000 personer årligen. Staden förväntas växa sex gånger snabbare än Paris och dubbelt så snabbt som Köpenhamn fram till 2030.
Internationella företag väljer ofta att förlägga sina regionala huvudkontor i Stockholm. Hälften av alla företag på Forbes Global 2000 i Norden har sina huvudkontor här, och staden är Europas tredje största centrum för globala huvudkontor, varav utländska företag står för 85%. Staden är även Nordens största företagsmarknad och finansiella centrum.
Stockholm befinner sig ständigt i toppen av globala topplistor för företagsklimat och innovation, och är idag ett globalt centrum för teknik och startups.
Staden har rankats av Global Talent Competitiveness Index som en av världens bästa städer för att utveckla, attrahera och behålla talang.
Stockholms län har bland Europas högsta BRP-siffror per capita och stor köpkraft, med Sveriges högsta inkomsttagare.

Bromma Stockholm Airport
Bromma Stockholm Airport är Stockholms stadsflygplats och ligger endast 10 km väster om Stockholm city. Flygplatsen var innan pandemin Sveriges tredje största flygplats med över 2,4 miljoner resenärer under 2019.
En renovering har nyligen genomförts med målet att tillhandahålla den service som förväntas av en nutida stadsflygplats. Ny ankomsthall, omarbetad avgångshall, ny säkerhetskontroll, fler gater och bättre trafikanläggningar för taxi och bussar är bara några exempel på allt som förändrats på Bromma Stockholm Airport under de senaste åren.
En helt ny sektion av spårvägen Tvärbanan, som kopplar samman hela Stockholms kollektivtrafik, passerar nu förbi flygplatsen. Tvärbanan möjliggör snabba, smidiga, effektiva och klimatsmarta anslutningar mellan Stockholm och flygplatsen.
Inomhus — Analog

The banner is located in the check-in hall and targets travelers arriving, as well as travelers heading towards the security check-point and that are residing among the check-in hall facilities. The size of the banner makes it impactful and due to the central placement where travellers reside for longer periods of time it offers high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 113 500*
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These lightboxes are is located in the check-in hall and targets travelers arriving to the airport, as well as travelers heading towards the security check-point and that are residing among the check-in hall facilities. The size of the lighboxes makes them impactful and due to the central placement where travellers reside for longer periods of time they offer high dwell time.
Price per month: SEK 156 500*
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These four analogue signs are is located in the departure hall and targets all departing travelers. The size of the signs makes them impactful and due to the central placement where travellers reside for longer periods of time they offer high dwell time and a repetitive effect.
Price per month: SEK 180 000*
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This arrival hall lightbox targets all arriving travellers at the airport. The advertisement area offers high dwell time and the placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes this product impactful and seen by most passersby.
Price per month: SEK 90 000*
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This arrival hall lightbox targets all arriving travellers at the airport. The advertisement area offers high dwell time and the placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes this product seen by most passersby.
Price per month: SEK 125 000*
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This check-in hall banner targets all departing travellers heading through the security check-point. The central placement in the passenger flow and the close proximity to the check-in counters, information desk, security check-point and facilities of the check-in hall makes the banner a product of wide range.
Price per month: SEK 75 000*
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These lightboxes target the majority of the arriving and departing travelers due to the central placement in the main entrance/exit of the airport. The placement and size of the lightboxes also offers a dominating effect in the passenger flow.
Price per month: SEK 120 000*
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The digital network is suitable for campaigns, launches and other
marketing activities where the goal is ot reach high visibility and
a large number of travelers.
The placement of the screens offers a repetitive effect and
customized DOOH marketing activities are easily implemented
on the digital network due to the wide range of options regarding
airports, terminals and timing of messages.
Share of Voice
12.5 %
Price per week: SEK 30 000*
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The baggage belt foil targets all arriving travellers at the airport. The advertisement area offers high dwell time and the placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes this product seen by most passersby.
Price per month: SEK 25 000*
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The baggage belt foil targets all arriving travellers at the airport. The advertisement area offers high dwell time and the placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes this product seen by most passersby.
Price per month: SEK 25 000*
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The arrival hall foil targets all arriving travellers at the airport (1 250 000 arriving travelers during 2016). The advertisement area offers high dwell time and the placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes this product impactful and seen by most passersby.
Price per month: SEK 120 000*
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This product targets the majority of the travellers at Bromma Stockholm Airport. The decals offers high dwell time and an repetitive and dominating effect all over the airport due to the high number of trolleys that are distributed.
Price per month: SEK 35 000*
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This window foil is located in the windows separating departure hall 2 and 3 and targets all departing travelers. The central placement in one of the largest passenger flows makes these products impactful. High dwell time is also offered due to the longer periods of time that passengers reside in the area.
Price per month: SEK 40 000*
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The value box marketing product targets all departing travellers heading through the security check-point. The central placement in the passenger flow where travelers reside for longer periods of time offers high dwell time and an impactful and repetitive effect.
Price per month: SEK 40 000*
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The magazine racks are suitable for newspaper and magazine distributors as well as for campaigns, launches and other marketing activities that include newspaper, magazine or leaflet distribution. The placement of the magazine racks and the high number of racks offers high dwell time and a repetitive effect. The possibility to choose between airports and terminals also makes for a customized advertisement product.
Price per month: SEK 20 000*
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This check-in hall promotion area targets all travellers in the check-in hall. The central placement in the passenger flow and the close proximity to the check-in counters, information desk, security check-point and facilities of the check-in hall makes the promotion area a place of wide range.
Price per week: SEK 45 000*
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This promotion area is a new product in the advertising offer at Bromma Stockholm Airport and is located in the newly renovated departure hall. The promotion area targets all departing and travelers as well as transfers and offers high dwell time, impact and the possibility to reach out to the high percentage of business travelers at the airport.
Price per week: SEK 45 000*
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This arrival hall promotion area targets all arriving travellers. The central placement in the passenger flow makes it a place of wide range.
Price per week: SEK 45 000*
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This showcase is located in one of the two piers to and from the aircrafts outside the terminal building on airside. The showcase is located close to the entrance into the arrival hall and targets a great part of bot arriving and departing travelers. Due to the size and central placement of the showcase it offert both high dwell time and an impactful effect at the airport.
Price per month: SEK 120 000*
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This promotion area targets all arriving travelers at the airport. The advertisement area offers high dwell time and the placement in the largest arriving passenger flow makes it impactful and seen by most passersby.
Price per week: SEK 55 000*
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This product targets the majority of the travelers arriving to the airport by car, bus and taxi, as well as alot of departing travelers, due to the central placement by the main approach towards the airport. The large format makes for an impactful effect.
Price per month: SEK 62 000*
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This product targets the majority of the travellers arriving to and
departing from the airport by car, bus and taxi due to the central
placement by Ulvsundavägen next to the airport. The large
formats makes for impactful effects in both directions on the
Price per month: SEK 100 000*
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This product targets the majority of the travellers arriving to the airport by car, bus and taxi due to the central placement on the main approach towards the airport. The large format makes for an impactful effect.
Price per month: SEK 95 000*
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This product targets the majority of the travelers arriving to the airport by bus and airport coach, as well as alot of departing travelers, due to the central placement outside the terminal building. The advertisement area offers high dwell time due to the longer periods of time that travelers reside at the bus stop.
Price per month: SEK 65 000*
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